New | Product Listing Cards

The Product Listing cards have been redesigned! You can now preview how your content will look on , making creating and editing content easier than ever.

A brief guide to listing cards

Listing Status
All content in the Tourism Business Database is moderated before it appears on . This means your content will go through several different statuses as it is reviewed and approved.

The Listing Status will tell you the current status of your content. Read our guide  Understanding content statuses   for more information on how the different statuses work, and which display on .
Listing Content
Some of the content you enter into your Listing Form will display on you Listing Card. This content includes the listing title, the primary image and the price range.

To edit this content click 'Edit Listing', make any updates and then click ' Submit for approval'
TripAdvisor Rating
Your TripAdvisor rating will display if you've entered your ID into the Business form and opted in to have this shown.

Sometimes there may be a delay linking your ID to TripAdvisor, in this case your listing card will say 'Pending'
Your QUALMARK grade will display if you've entered your ID into the Product Listing form. Sometimes a grade may take a few days to come
through, in which case, this field will show 'Pending'.
Last Edit Date
This is the date your Product Listing was last edited.

It's important to keep Product Listings up to date, so make sure you're reviewing them regularly.
Published Deals
Click this link to  create and edit deals  for your Product Listing. The number will tell you how many Published Deals you currently have.
Published Translations
Click here to create and edit  translations  for your Product Listing. The number will tell you how many Published Translations you currently have.