Product Listing Tags

Tags help to further describe your product and are part of deciding where your product listing is displayed on . The more exact your selection, the more relevant the page your listing will appear.

When users search for products on the website, they rely on tags to filter and narrow down their options. By selecting the most relevant tag, you increase the chances of your product appearing in their search results.

Well-chosen tags improve discoverability, enhance user satisfaction, and ultimately lead to a better user experience. We encourage you to think about your product from a visitor’s perspective and select tags that align with their interests and needs.

Activity Product Listings:

Choosing the right tags for your activity Product Listing is crucial for enhancing user experience and ensuring that visitors can easily find what they’re looking for on .

Limited Selection: We try to limit Activity Product Listings to only one primary tag. Too many tags can confuse visitors and dilute the effectiveness of each one. You may request an additional tag if your tourism product doesn’t just fit into one. The request will be reviewed by the Tourism Business Database team.

Secondary Tags: Secondary tags can provide additional context. For example, if you operate a Day Trip that includes visiting a geothermal site and a winery, the primary tag could be “Volcanic & Geothermal,” and the secondary tag might be “Wineries”. These secondary tags help users refine their search further.